
Epidemiologi och biostatistik

Avancerad nivå
15 högskolepoäng (hp)
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Kort om kursen

The course will focus on two main components in public health science, biostatistics and epidemiology. Biostatistics is the application of statistics to the collection, summarization, and analysis of data as well as the interpretation and conclusion of the results.

Om utbildningen

The course will focus on two main components in public health science, biostatistics and epidemiology. Biostatistics is the application of statistics to the collection, summarization, and analysis of data as well as the interpretation and conclusion of the results. During this course, the students will learn how to collect, manage, and visualize a wide variety of data and appropriate biostatistical methods such as probability distributions, estimations, power and sample size, and regression, that are relevant to study area.

In order for students to be able to build practical skills in statistics and analysis, compulsory computer labs with statistical software are maintained throughout the course.

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in defined populations. In this course, students will learn to understand principles, methods, strengths and limitations of epidemiologic study designs and will attain how to plan for public health scientific research and interpret epidemiologic findings.

They will also understand how to effectively communicate research to lay and professional audiences, and apply the findings to the development of epidemiological studies. The course will also introduce scientific theoretical and ethical perspectives on epidemiological research, such as how quality can be understood and assured on the basis of scientific and ethical principles.

Finally, the course prepares for more advanced courses in biostatistics and epidemiology and it gives students the opportunity to start planning and developing research questions for their upcoming thesis.

Behörigheter och urval


Avlagt kandidatexamen eller yrkesexamen motsvarande minst 180 högskolepoäng eller på annat sätt förvärvat motsvarande kunskaper inom huvudområdena hälsovetenskap eller samhällsvetenskap. Sökande ska ha godkänt resultat från engelska B/6 från svenskt gymnasium eller motsvarande kunskaper verifierade genom TOEFL eller  IELTS test. Från och med VT25 gäller följande krav: Behörig att antas till kursen är den som har yrkesexamen/kandidatexamen om minst 180 högskolepoäng inom något av områdena hälsovetenskap, samhällsvetenskap, naturvetenskap, ekonomiska vetenskaper, humaniora eller ingenjörsvetenskap samt betyg Godkänd/E i Engelska B/Engelska 6.  


Högskolepoäng, max 165 hp.