
Dokumentation och tolkning av hällbilder

Avancerad nivå
15 högskolepoäng (hp)

Om utbildningen

The course covers a range of theoretical and practical aspects of the documentation and interpretation of rock art. It is organized in three main sections: one distance-based sequence focusing on theory, one applied sequence conducted in the field, and one distance-based advanced study project. Various types of instruction are used in the course, such as lectures, seminars, fieldwork, advanced study project and group collaborations.

Behörigheter och urval


A Bachelor´s degree of 180 credits or equivalent, Archaeology or Ancient History as a major subject.

Så är det att plugga


Du hittar Institutionen för historiska studier i Humanistens lokaler på Renströmsgatan 6. Vår personal sitter på plan 5 och 6.